In the wake of President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams says he wants more attention paid to gun violence.
“Tonight, with his last State of the Union, President Obama challenged all of us to take action and create a better future for our communities and our country,” said Williams, who represents the 45th Council District in Brooklyn.
“Our neighborhoods continue to struggle, facing issues like gun violence, poverty wages, lack of affordable housing, inaccessible higher education, and violence against women,” added the deputy leader of the City Council.
“While I am disappointed gun violence did not play a larger role tonight, I am grateful for the inclusion of an empty chair, representing gun violence victims and for the president’s recent, historic speech on the issues,” he continued.
Still, Williams said “this pandemic must be addressed at every turn until our dialogue becomes concrete action.”
He said if the “bold agenda” Obama could be accomplished, “we could go a long way towards addressing the structural conditions that create the demand for gun violence.”
Williams said while the president works to address these issues on the federal level, “New York City must step up to the plate and work on these issues locally.
“Together, on the city, state, and federal level, we can create a real difference,” Williams said.