At the helm of all things Caribbean, logging stories from politics to entertainment, is veteran beat reporter Vinette Pryce. Joining Caribbean Life at its inception, Pryce has delivered insightful pieces from her coverage of Nelson Mandela’s visit to Jamaica to interviewing Fidel Castro at Columbia University, to name just a few.
“I’m a beat reporter so I cover entertainment, I’ve been known to cover sports in that publication, I have a column in that publication where I cover politics and whatever is happening in the New York area with the Caribbean community,” Pryce explained.
Before bringing her talents to Caribbean Life newspaper, Pryce worked as the entertainment editor at The Amsterdam News and also wrote for many black publications in New York City including The Daily Challenge.
Her decision to expand her writing into the Caribbean community came during the time of the Rita Marley trial, which was not being covered in our then bi-monthly publication.
“Simone Gill — who was the founding editor of that paper — was very excited to have regular coverage. At that time, Caribbean Life was a bimonthly publication,” she said.
Since joining the Caribbean Life newspaper family, Pryce has at times covered the paper – having one page dedicated to her many stories.
“At times I had a page dedicated to whatever I was covering and other items throughout the paper,” she said.
Pryce remains a valuable member to the team, aiming to always report on what matters most to the Caribbean community away from the islands. Her hope for Caribbean Life newspaper is that the paper continues to provide information pertinent to the audience, nothing cookie cutter that can be found elsewhere.
“A lot of things that happen in the Caribbean, you’re not going to read in the Daily News or New York Times or the Post or hear on the radio and a lot of that news just gets lost somewhere unless you actually go to those islands,” she said.