Negro Ensemble Company, America’s legendary Black theater company, presents its production of “With Aaron’s Arms Around Me and The Mire,” an evening of two one-acts by Sophia Romma, a Russian-American playwright, both on the theme of intolerance.
The two plays deal with eternal themes of intolerance from an émigré’s perspective. Performances are Dec. 3 to 19 at Cherry Lane Theatre (Studio Theatre), 38 Commerce Street; Wednesday – Saturday at 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Running time is 1:50 including intermission. Critics are invited on or after the evening performance on Dec. 4.
Both one-acts will be directed by Negro Ensemble Company’s Artistic Director Charles Weldon.
This production is one of three productions in Negro Ensemble Company’s 2010-2011 season that continue its mission to explore and expose intolerance and bigotry. In the past, the focus has been on intolerance that primarily affects the African America community, using characters in various plays as spokespersons for a whole society. Intolerance and bigotry exist, however, within ethnic groups and