Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has made a cabinet reshuffle after one year in government.
She made 16 changes to the People’s Partnership government and created three new ministries.
Four new ministers were sworn in on Monday, June 27, hours before the Second Session of Parliament resumed.
In a l0-minute address on television on Sunday night Persad-Bissessar said, “the consensus by way of our achievement is that we have done well in our first year and she was aware of the need to do better.”
While she thanked those who served in the past year, she said realignment of portfolios was “common.”
“In this government, it was obvious that certain ministries had responsibilities, which were not in keeping with their core business,” she said.
The prime minister said that this led to “duplication and inefficient use in human and material resources.”
In the cabinet reshuffle the embattle Works and Transport Minister Austin “Jack” Warner had Transport removed from under his portfolio and given to newly-appointed Senator Devant Maharaj.
Senator Therese Baptiste-Cornelis was axed as minister of health and replaced with MP Dr. Faud Khan.
Persad-Bissessar announced the appointment of Verna St. Rose-Greaves as senator and minister of the new Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development, with MP Ramona Ramdial appointed as minister in that ministry.
MP Carolyn Seepersad-Bissessar, who is one of the deputy political leaders of the Congress of the People (COP) was relieved of the Energy Ministry portfolio.
Junior Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine has taken over the post.
The COP is one of the coalition partners in the PP Government.
Persad-Bachan has been assigned as minister of Public Administration.
The COP holds six seats in Parliament.