The new year made its debut after midnight on Jan. 1, and so did some Brooklyn newborns at New York City Health and Hospitals / Kings County.
The hospital delivered seven babies on New Year’s day, with baby girls leading the way with four births. One of those girls was born to Flatbush parents, Yvele Charles and Francois Mackenson. The baby’s thrilled dad said the birth of his daughter will forever be memorable to him.
“This is a moment I will never forget, she was born on a special day and the fact that she is my first daughter — that is history for me,” said Mackenson.
The couple’s daughter Nhaya was born at 4:43 am. Her expected date of birth was Jan. 8 but she came into the world a few days earlier, making her the first baby of 2017 for the hospital.
Mackenson who is also the father of a two-year-old child with Charles, said a holiday birth is unforgettable, but he also said just being there to see the birth of his daughter holds a much stronger meaning.
“It was an exciting experience — it’s not really about the day, but really being able to witness the moment,” he said.
Almost an hour later, another baby girl was born to 46-year-old mother and St. Lucia native, Simone Gerald.