Members of the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) say are pleased to announce the election of its new board of directors and officers who were duly “nominated, voted in and installed” on Wednesday April 11, 2012
The election was “overseen and conducted by two experienced attorneys” the board added, in a statement released Monday.
Members elected to office are:
Thomas Bailey, president;
Bryan Block, vice president; Deborah Benjamin, vice president; William R. Howard, vice president; Eric Gibbs, chairman; Angela Sealy, treasurer; Jean P. Alexander, secretary.
Other Board members are: Yolanda L. Clark, Calvin Collins, Karen Williams, Michael Greaves, Larry Allahdua, Randolph Brewster, Godfrey Jack, Randolph Babb.
‘‘Members have been busy at work for the past three months handling many areas that needed attention,” Bailey said.
‘There’s much hard work ahead. The new board is determined to hit the ground running.
“WIADCA asks the community for their continued support as the organization makes an all-out effort to tackle and overcome all obstacles and meet all obligations head-on.” Bailey added.