Despite some obstacles, the inaugural Miss Plus Size Universe Women’s Conference in New York was “quite a success,” organizers say.
Vincentian Pearl Williams, president of Miss Plus Size Universe, told Caribbean Life that several changes could have derailed the staging of the event that took place on Saturday, April 23, at Tropical Paradise Ballroom on Utica Avenue in Brooklyn. The event was originally scheduled to take place at JFK Hilton.
Williams said both date and venue changes were made just a few days prior to the event, thus contributing to the smaller-than-expected turnout of patrons.
Nonetheless, she said her persistence ensured that the conference was “packed with pure quality.”
She said the conference was “a global initiative of love and leadership of women.
“We are creating multiple channels across the globe to enable great leadership by women so they can express their energy in society to bring more balance and harmony, while utilizing their own capacity to create and influence others,” Williams said.
“The atmosphere was filled with a diverse spiritual presence of four dynamic speakers, who explored all facets of issues that affect women,” she added. “They delivered strong messages that encompass the beauty of loving oneself, and provided solutions and plans that are being implemented to ensure positive results.
“All four queens were extremely excited for the opportunity to present their initiative on empowering women on a global level,” Williams said.
The speakers were: First Lady Ripandeep Kaur, WE Global Campaign for Women from India; Guyanese Linda Johnson, Women of Mission International; Judy Boyce, chief executive officer and owner of Kenju, Plus Size Diva Pageant Director from Barbados; and Alene M. Gervais, St. Lucian business consultant and child care provider.
Williams said the speakers were given “Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition” for their “outstanding and invaluable services to the communities in which they serve.”
The event concluded with a special dance rendition by Remedy in Action, Williams said.
She said patrons and supporters were so enthused with the event that they asked for it to be held next year in New York.