By Chudi Chukwudi
The Flatbush, Brooklyn-based United Peoples Inclusive movement will premiere its Extended Family Unite Alliance in Brooklyn, New York on Sunday, April 28, 2013. Propelled by its theme Minus-50-Plus, this novel event will celebrate triumphs over trials reaching age 50 and beyond. Minus signifies that at 50, individuals within the UPI family commit to helping others journeying toward the milestone of 50; and plus denotes that our Elderhood Community (70 and beyond) commits its acquired insights and wisdom to assisting 50-Plus aspirants journeying toward Elderhood.
“Responding to an increasingly dysfunctional global community, the UPI infrastructure is fitted with a five-proang network alliance” says Elder Austin Tuitt, the UPI founder. “From this vantage point, we see the extended family unit as the epicenter of this alliance network. Therefore, following decades of search for the exemplary family who befits this novel peoples’ honor of First Extended Family Unit; the UPI Search Committee reached a consensus in choosing the Aubrey/Credo Veira family.
“Given the steadfast rise in global unemployment and underemployment, UPI has created a curriculum titled EntreCare 001 – Entrepreneurial Care & Development Alliance – aimed at tapping the artistic creativity of our young to develop reliable job creators, based on sound morality, rather than a stream of anxious job seekers being produced by our conventional education system,” Elder Tuitt explains.
Among the day’s highlights is a portrayal of EntreCare 001 to be presented by the Youth Ensemble of the Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy, featuring interpretive dance to UPI theme songs and African drumming.
“We come together just a few, to give of ourselves wisely, that all may receive sufficiently,” he added, quoting the UPI mantra.
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