Marthine Viciere, founder and CEO of MV Kiddie Town Daycare and After School Learning Center, gives back to her Brooklyn community by helping many families living in Brooklyn; providing discounts to already low fees in order to make enrollment of children from cash-strapped families possible.
Perhaps because Viciere was a ‘young mother’ herself, she knew as a child while growing up in Haiti that one day she would become an early childhood educator and advocate.
She pursued her goal attending Kingsborough Community College where she studied psychology and obtained her AAA Degree in Early Childhood Education. She then went on to earn an AA Degree at Kingsborough followed by her BA Degree in Early Childhood Education at Brooklyn College in 2006.
Ms. Viciere’s passion for the growth and development of children is as unmistakable as her animated, child-friendly, attention capturing speaking style, as she emphasizes “I love teaching because, not only is it a noble profession, but also it is the only job through which I can give back to the community with pride.” Continuing, the foster parent of three children ranging from 2-5 years old, and biological mother of two older children, concludes, “I just love children.”
She is a giver; extending discounts to families from Haiti who lost relatives in the January 2010 earthquake, and are experiencing financial burdens.
While setting the bar high for her students who she affectionately calls her “children” Ms. Viciere designs events, activities, programs and curricula conductive to productive learning and optimal child development. No component of child development is overlooked while a child is in her care, as evidenced by the healthy and delicious meals served at the Day Care which always includes the four food groups; grains, dairies, protein, fruits and vegetables.
She is the recipient of many awards including; certificates of recognition from Childcare Network; an acknowledgement certificate from P.S. 198 in Brooklyn; a certificate from P.S. 130 in Brooklyn; a certificate from Kingsborough Community College and a Golden Key Certificate from Brooklyn College.
Widely respected for her stories embracing the diversity of cultures, she lives in Brooklyn, and spends most of her time visiting schools, meeting with principals, students, teachers and librarians to discuss her work in children’s literacy. She also prepares girls for the Miss America Pageant.
When she is not in the class room, Ms. Viciere can be found at Brooklyn Public Library branches talking to librarians in order to acquaint herself with new and evolving information and materials aimed at better serving her students. She also attends UFT seminars monthly.
It is a common practice for her to lend a concerned ear to parents with challenges that are not directly related to the education of their children by definition; but Ms. Viciere views all family issues as issues that could affect a child’s ability to love learning and succeed. Yes, she mentors children and parents alike!