Young fashion designer, Tyyan Rae Williams continues to make waves on the runway since unveiling her line of playful Pinky Sez children’s collection at Brooklyn Fashion Week at a very young age.
Now 16 years old, Williams, a confident, talented teen, and four-time winner of Pageant Queen creations, said she is focused on her dreams, and will not let anything get in the way of her making it big in the world of fashion.
“I am really exciting to see what the future holds for me. I love what I do,” said Williams whose Pinky Sez (Positive Inspire Kreative Youth) models revved up the runway on Saturday, April 8, at the J-Love Fashion School of Etiquette’s Youth Jam, at the Emmanuel Baptist Church Hall, in Brooklyn.
The Spring Collection of vibrant, colorful dresses, skirts and tops created to inspire “Teens and Tweens,” showed off the designer’s creative sensibility and innate knowledge of what the trendy kids are wearing to social events.
Williams, who unleashed eight pretty designs, in an interview said, “I inspire youths by telling them that the more you push yourself, the better you become at whatever you are passionate about,” added the rising star, whose Pinky Sez collection teamed up with fashion designer Jayvon Andrew Roberts’ Audacia Collection for the exciting afternoon’s presentation.
Jacqueline Love, founder of J-Love Fashion School of Cocochynna for CCNFFM Magazine collection that featured Danny and Lexie — special needs students who Love said, were amazing on the runway.
Love, who will unveil a 2017 Pre Back to School Fashion Week in August in tribute to special needs children, thanked the great team effort of Tyyan and Andrew for their dynamic presentation at the afternoon’s fashion event.
“They were excellent together, they clicked well,” she added, while stating that the next fashion show will be held in Councilmember Robert E. Cornegy Jr. District 26, and will showcase the positive image and confidence of the youngsters.
“The performance of the team of children and young adults today was excellent,” said Ms. Love, who will also present a Hair Madness Hair Show later in the year to engage the youth.
Follow J-Love Fashion School of Etiquette’s and Pinky Sez on Facebook.