Grenada Voters’ List

To The Editor:

A review of the 2012 Consolidated Voters List indicated the omission of the names of some previously registered voters. The New Democratic Congress is confident that the discrepancies which have been identified in the 2012 Consolidated Voters’ List will be resolved shortly.

In the interest of democracy, the NDC made immediate contact with the Electoral Office to register our concerns regarding the accuracy of the list and emphasized the need for the appropriate steps to be taken to ensure that the final list includes all enumerated citizens.

The NDC supports a fair electoral process, which honours the wishes of the people through their vote. We believe that every citizen of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique has the right to cast his/her vote”

Based on the response of the Electoral Office, our party is satisfied that the office is proceeding with full integrity, in a professional manner, using the considerable expertise at its disposal, to complete the reconciliation of the database within an acceptable time frame, in the interest of fair and free elections.

The NDC acknowledges that beause the system is new, the discrepancies may well be the result of technical errors, and that the party is appealing to all registered voters to contact their constituency office or registration officer immediately to ensure that their names are on the voters’ list.

The NDC is focused on national development and in this context, condemns attacks on state agencies and respectable public servants who serve this country with dedication and integrity.

Our party will continue to cooperate with all state agencies, other organizations, and the people of Grenada to ensure smooth-running, professionally conducted elections, in keeping with the democratic traditions of our country.

Bernard Isaac

Secretary, NDC
