Twelve-year-old Guyanese-born, Sapphire Autumn Rose, could easily brag that she will make history as the youngest, cutest, and first fashion designer to share the runway with her mother, fashion and costume designer Michele Cole.
The duo, along with more than 15 other designers, will showcase their collections at Guyana’s inaugural Fashion in the Rainforest Runway event at the Ramada Georgetown Princess Hotel in Guyana on Friday, May 24.
A cocktail reception will begin at 7 pm before show time at 8 pm.
Ms. Rose will open the show with her d’Obvious Rose collection of stylish outfits tailored to young girls like her, who are bold, stylish, and ‘obviously’ ready to rock the fashion scene that Sapphire has already penetrated.
Founder and CEO of Guyana Fashion Showcase, Philbert Giddings, who helped to blaze the trail for clubbing in New York, after his father, one of the first Guyanese-born to enter the entertainment arena in New York during the 80’s and 90’s, teamed-up with designers, Michelle Cole and Roger Gary for the showcase.
The event will not only bring seasoned designers to the runway but up-and-coming Guyanese designers, who will set a new standard for fashion trends in the region.
Michelle Cole, executive director, said Guyana would experience fashion beauty and style like never before.

“Guyana Fashion Showcase boast a stellar line up of local, regional and international designers and models, top make-up artist and style team, will bring some of spring 2019 best trends to the 60-foot runway,” she said.
The show will be flawless, said Roger Gary, creative director, noting that the stage is set, with a professional backstage crew, and 45 models who will glitter on the runway with faces designed by Guyanese make-up artist, Renée Chester.
Gary, a former student of the Guyana Burrows School of Art, said it was important to include students of the school as part of the institution’s fashion program.
The line-up of designers to rock the runway include: Roger Gary’s Aqua Couture, Michelle Cole Wagner, ColeFacts Andrew Harris Jr., ZAR, by Cesar Galindo, New York based designer with Mexican roots, who has dressed celebrities, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, Missy Elliot, Mary J Blige, Mark Anthony, Niki Luria, David Rolle, Bahamas, L’Atelier Raif, Paulette Cleghorn, creative director of Yumu Katsura, New York, Kejuana’s Ashley Bene, Bahamas, Mwanza Glen, Quinton Pearson, Randy Madray, Sidney L. Francois, and Pamela Fox, Guyana.
The weekend of events will continue with a carnival on the streets of Georgetown. The Guardians of Eldorado collection, was designed by “Colefacts” (colef
To learn more, go to www.guyan