Diaspora welcomes new Guyana Consul General to New York Michael Brotherson

Michael Brotherson, Guyana Consul General to New York, at a recent meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guyana

The Guyanese diaspora is proud to welcome Ambassador Michael E. Brotherson to the post of consul general of Guyana to New York, effective July 1, 2022, to carry out the mission of the consulate, which is, to contribute to the economic and social development of Guyana by promoting its trade and investment potential and servicing the needs of the Diaspora through the provision of courteous and efficient service, from his 304 W 34th Street office in Manhattan.

Ambassador Brotherson, a career diplomat who has served some 20 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various capacities, recently as director of the Department of Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and International Cooperation was described as a true ambassador by President of the Guyana Tri-State Alliance, Patricia Jordan-Langford.

She told Caribbean Life, it is with distinct pleasure together with the admiration and recognition of the many years of distinguished service to Guyana that The Guyana Tri-State Alliance, Inc., the entire board, and its members welcome to New York The Honorable Michael Brotherson, Guyana’s consul general.

“You are truly our ambassador that has carried the Golden Arrowhead to the highest order and is recognized as a distinguished diplomat by the Guyana Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ministry and, in all the countries that you have eminently served. Wishing you a pleasant and fruitful tenure,” she expressed.

Ambassador Brotherson, who succeeds Barbara Atherley, brings a wealth of experience to the position in a city that is home to some 140,000 Guyanese nationals – making them the fifth-largest foreign-born population in the city.

A former senior foreign officer in the Office of the President, where he was part of the team that oversaw the launch of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy, and served as CG to Barbados, Amb. Brotherson also received a pleasant welcome from the executive and members of Guyanese in the Diaspora Inc., a New York based not-for-profit organization.

The body said it was pleased to extend sincere felicitations, and a “warm welcome to our new Consul General of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to New York, Ambassador Michael Brotherson.”

On behalf of Guyanese in the New York Tri-State area, we cordially greet you and look forward to our continued close collaboration and amiable relations with the Consulate General, which we have enjoyed since our formation as ‘Friends of the Consulate’ in 2016.

Guyanese in the Diaspora Inc. congratulates Ambassador Brotherson on his new appointment and wish him every success throughout his tenure. We look forward to meeting with the Consul General at his earliest convenience as he settles into his new role in New York. Please accept, Ambassador Brotherson, the assurances of our highest consideration,” said the statement.

Amb. Brotherson who joined the Foreign Service in 1991 as an entry-level Foreign Service Officer II, and climbed the ladder, taking up impressive roles as, lead negotiator for Guyana on the UN Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, Head of the Diaspora Unit, head of Public Affairs and Information Unit, and counsellor at the Guyana High Commission in London, received best wishes from the ministry for a successful tenure as consul general in New York.

Another statement said The Queen’s College of Guyana Alumni Association, NY Chapter, (QCAANY) congratulates Ambassador Michael E. Brotherson on his recent appointment as the New York Consul General of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

“QCAANY is one of the premier institutions of the Guyanese diaspora in New York and has a long history of providing material support and programs to students of Queen’s College and other Secondary Schools in Guyana. We note Ambassador Brotherson’s sterling accomplishments in his Foreign Service career, and we look forward to working with him and the Guyana Consulate to improve our alma mater, our alumni here in the diaspora and Guyanese students everywhere,” said President John Campbell.

Albert Baldeo, Guyanese American, candidate for NY State Senatorial District 15, Queens, welcomed Ambassador Michael Brotherson’s appointment as Consul General in New York, noting that as the largest Diaspora outside of Guyana, often referred to as region 11, or Little Guyana – “We pledge our support democracy and good government in our motherland, and will assist the administration in every way, while being grateful that our Guyanese brothers and sisters will be served.”

Baldeo, AD 24/AD 38 district leader, added that the strengthening of this office will only enhance the stellar services already being provided by Mr. Joe Yussuff who continues to serve in another official capacity. We stand ready, willing, and able to partner with these officials in every way we can, he said

Fazal (Joe) Yussuff, MPA Investments & Diaspora Affairs, Guyana Consulate New York, looks forward to welcoming the Consul General at a formal diaspora gathering to be announced shortly.