An exhibit that brings to the United States a contemporary sample of animation and animated video art that showcases the potential that Caribbean animators offer to the world is being shown at the headquarters of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, D.C.
The IDB said it has partnered with the Anime Caribe Caribbean Animation Festival in presenting “Caribbean in Motion: Improving Lives through Artistry and Animation.”
The IDB said the exhibit is a tribute to the Bahamas, host of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the IDB-IIC Boards of Governors.
The video art exhibit showcases works by Caribbean artists at the IDB’s Cultural Center, and is open to the public through July 2016.
The IDB says Caribbean in Motion explores the “multifaceted social and economic benefits generated by the animation industry, underscoring the importance of nurturing a vibrant creative economy.
“Animation, the art of illustrating video sequences, has huge potential, as both a business and an art form, that supports sustainable social and economic development in the Caribbean,” the IDB said.
It said while animation might be perceived primarily as a commercial endeavor, by recognizing animators as artists, the IDB exhibit will encourage the development of technical skills, imaginative thinking, and innovation.
The IDB said Caribbean in Motion will highlight some of the most captivating and imaginative animation and illustration in the Caribbean today, including works by Makesi Aquan, Danielle Blaize, Mathew Hudson, Alison Latchman, Anieph Latchman, Wendell McShine, Khia Poitier, Ansar Sattar, Steven Schmid and Marlo Scott.