Bash The Trash to perform ‘Tales Of Anansi’

Anansi, one of the most important characters in West African and Caribbean folklore is coming to New York and will settle in Brooklyn on April 13. The trickster character will make a one-time only appearance when a storytelling concert performed by the environmental friendly group Bash the Trash introduces “Tales of Anansi.”

The performance will celebrate Earth Day and is booked into Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts at Brooklyn College (BCBC). Slated for 2:00 p.m., the group uses African-inspired musical instruments made from recycled and reused materials to relay stories and songs. BTT focuses on how the arts and science work together.

They also integrate educational performances to combine and deliver lessons of environmental awareness with family friendly entertainment.

BCBC will also mark Earth Day 2013 by hosting its sixth annual National Grid Earth Day Celebration on the plaza outside Walt Whitman Theatre. Featuring interactive family activities, educational materials, street performers and promotional giveaways, the community festival will highlight the need for conserving energy, recycling in the home, and heightening awareness of the environmental global issues. The celebration is free and open to the public. For more on the activities log onto