American Candy, a Brooklyn homegrown sketch comedy group announces its 22nd show since its June 2009 debut, “American Candy: It’s a Man’s World!!!”
The show runs two nights, April 13 and 14 at South Oxford Space 138 South Oxford Street in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Showtime is 8:00 p.m.
American Candy’s witty, adult writing, cheeky original musical comedy, clever use of themes, multicultural casting and strong female-led writing staff set them apart from traditional and popular sketchcomedy shows.
The show, created by Hollie Harper and produced by Hollie Harper and Patranila Jefferson, always hits the deeply underserved adult/women demographic with great results.
American Candy creator Hollie Harper says, “I love the fact that our writing hits the 20-something crowd along with those who remember The Challenger, Soul Train and Watergate. We draw on history and culture and don’t pander to kids.”
The “It’s a Man’s World” theme comes from the creator Hollie Harper’s realization that American men are really in the midst of transition. The old rules don’t apply. New subcultures emerge as fast as you can say “Really?”
First the theme is established, then all of its sketches are completed before rehearsal even starts. The three-week rehearsal cycle becomes an intense incubator of creativity.
Some of the more established actors have made the transition to writer/director. Marvin Telp and Sam Haft have both made the leap to writer/director status. Rounding out the writing staff for American Candy: It’s a Man’s World!!! are Stephanie Bok, Wilkie Cornelius Jr., musical director Jeff Jeudy and head writer Hollie Harper. Producer Patranila Jefferson also directs several pieces.
Their combination of intelligence, originality and progressiveness has made American Candy one to watch and has built a strong and loyal following of fans and supporters.